Why I Developed HearMe for $0.

George Chakama • October 5th 2021

4 min read • 1,570 views

Yesterday on my way to grab some groceries I met a girl who was mute (can not speak ). She was hitch-hiking trying to go to the shops too, when I stopped my car to pick her up I realized she doesn't speak and I felt disappointed in not being able to understand sign language. I know some basic sign language but I struggle a lot to understand what has been expressed.

It was an awkward drive to the shops because she could understand me and I could not understand her because I was driving and she couldn't conversate with me.

Being a curious developer I knew that a solution needed to be found so that I can talk to her and also other people who face the same challenge.

I decided to develop a small project that will not only help her but the community at large. I will be using my own personal resources to fund and develop the project because I really want to give back to the community.

The solution I will develop should be free for everybody to use and user-friendly for even my grandparents to use with ease.

What My Solution will Cover

A conversation with someone who can not speak requires focus. For individuals to understand what they are saying they have to look at them, bummer right. When you're driving you can not have a conversation and that's just awkward.

It's not just with driving but also when you are doing other jobs that can not allow your attention to be diverted e.g Operating a Machine, doing surgery, and running/ exercising.

Since sign language requires focus, communicating in the dark will definitely be difficult. This is because you can not really see.

Weather conditions also affect sign language. When you are stuck in a dusty storm your visibility is limited and won't be able to see but hear.
